Assessors Invited
Selection of companies and individuals for Golden Peacock Awards involves a multi-pronged exercise which begins with comprehensive responses to a very detailed application form available to all on our website. This is followed by multi level assessments by a team of assessors who are experts in the area of the claims made by the company under each criteria. The recommendations of this assessment panel are then put up to the jury. While finally deciding on the Award, the Jury always takes into consideration company’s market reputation, investor perception, brand, value social and environmental disclosures and checks with regulatory bodies wherever necessary.
We are constantly on the lookout for experts in the fields mentioned below, who can become certified examiners for the Golden Peacock Awards
Golden Peacock Awards Secretariat invites experts and specialists in the following functional areas:
Business Excellence
Corporate Governance
Environment Management
Energy Efficiency
Innovation Management
Innovative Product/ Service
Risk Management
Total Quality Management
Corporate Social Responsibility
Human Resource Development
Occupational Health and Safety
This is a most rewarding and rich learning experience. No honorarium is paid. However a suitable fee is paid to meet the basic expenses. Would you like to be an Assessor of the most prestigious Awards?
Please send your CV at
Details :
Golden Peacock Awards Secretariat
Institute of Directors
M-56 A, Greater Kailash Part-II (Market)
New Delhi – 110048, India
Tel: +91-11- 41636294, 41636717, 41008704 || Fax: +91-11- 41008705