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Select the Award
Category – based on your business and performance. Click Here
Guidelines-cum-Application Form
Can be downloaded directly from the website. If unable to download, please email us Click Here
Golden Peacock Awards Secretariat
Must receive the completed application on the prescribed assessment criteria, with supporting documents, and the application fee (to cover the processing of assessment cost) by due date.
Selection Process
The Selection of winners is an elaborate process executed by a team of professional independent experts.
The evaluation process
recognizes a variety of conditions under which a organization conducts its activities. Evaluators are required to consider these factors in their assessment of the organization’s performance against the assessment criteria.
Decision on whether to conduct a site visit or not
is made by the evaluation team at the shortlisting stage. Site visit is not an automatic part of the evaluation procedure for clarifying issues raised during the evaluation.
The cost of site visits
in case of shortlisted applicants, by evaluators, if required, shall be borne by the respective companies, as per actuals.
The shortlisted applicants
are then submitted to a Jury of eminent people, known for their independence and impartiality, Chaired by Justice M. N. Venkatachaliah, former Chief Justice of India, Former Chairman, National Human Rights Commission of India and Former Chairman, National Commission for Constitution of India Reforms..
Results Announcement
on website and emails are sent to the applicants conveying the same.
At the conclusion of the evaluation process
A Feedback Report [except for Golden Peacock Innovative Product/Service Award (GPIPSA) & Golden Peacock Eco-Innovation Award (GPEIA)] incorporating the evaluators’ assessment of organization’s performance against the GPA Framework is forwarded. This report is written in terms of strengths and opportunities for improvement against the assessment criteria and is sent to applicant organisations that were unable to win the Award.